So I enjoy writing SO SO much, and I felt that I just had to include some of it here, so please enjoy, and tell me what you think!
A Sibling's Revenge
So you want to hear my
story? Well, I'll warn you, it's not a happy fun one. It's actually quite sad.
Nevertheless, I'll tell you since you so want to know.
I am the youngest in my
family, with only my older brother and my mom. My dad died long before this
particular story started. My mom has been trying to fulfill every role she can
ever since. Though she tried to teach me so much, I never learned. That is what
sealed my fate.
My brother is amazing.
He's 3 years older than me, and is much smarter than me. He listens to
everything Mom says, and therefore, Mom has always loved him more than me. I
was never offended by this, I loved my life just how it was. Free. Only, thanks
to my brother, now I am imprisoned forever.
We were very close
friends, he and I, and we spent a lot of time together. He liked computer
programming and video game making, and I just watched as he worked. One day, he
made a new game. A brilliant game. He asked me to help him develop it. I was
his tester of the game. I enjoyed the game a lot, but the better he made it,
the more unsatisfied I became.
After a new update, I got
bored of playing, and stated my opinion to him. The way it came out was
unintentional, but I told him the game wasn't fun, and that he had failed. He
yelled at me, telling me that he had tried so hard to make something fun for
me, and I was simply being ungrateful. I would not accept this. I felt he was
wrong in making the game. He gave up fighting with me, and stormed into his
Hours later, he came out
of the room grinning. He told me he had added a new feature that would make the
game enjoyable for even longer. Even forever. I had forgotten our fight, so I
tested it. It was fun, still, it seemed mostly the same, until something
started changing. It happened slowly, but I only noticed after it was done.
I was INSIDE the game.
Instead of using a mouse
and keyboard, I found myself using my own two legs, and feeling real hunger
over time. It was amazing. I thought about how cool it was, and how much fun
this game would be, now that I could live in it!
I spent much more time
building a castle, and making more and better materials. I defeated fierce
enemies, and achieved everything possible, but then started to get bored. All
of my creations were breath-taking, my achievements astonishing, but no one
could see or notice any of it. I was alone.
I wanted to go say hello
to my mom, and play out in the yard with my friends, so I tried to quit the
game. But there was no escape button, no menu, no close button. I couldn't
leave the game, I was trapped!
I recalled the fight
before my brother updated the game, I recalled my mother's warning to not play too
much. I recalled my brother's large smile when telling me about his new update.
I realized this was on purpose. He had sought to punish me for being
ungrateful, and so he trapped me in his invention.
His cruelty to me burned
me. I felt heartbroken that my brother, who I always loved and looked up to,
had imprisoned me. I was angry. I wanted revenge on him. I wanted to show him
the pain he left me with. So I figured out how to fly, I made tools for my
purposes, and then set out to spread my pain.
I now haunt all who know
me, and those who don't. I cause fear to course through all that see me.
Millions flee before my sword, and shake by hearing my voice. And I still roam.
And I will continue to destroy everything, until at last, I have revenge on my
brother. Until then, all will know and fear my name.
I am Herobrine.
Disclaimer: Herobrine is not owned by anyone, but Notch, (his supposed brother) is real, and he has no brother, especially NOT Herobrine. The game is Minecraft, a game made and owned by Mojang. I claim nothing on the game or the people, only that I wrote a fan-based story off of it. Thanks!
The Trapped Bird
The walls so close. The air so cold. This wasn’t where I was
supposed to be. I didn’t know exactly where I was supposed to be, but it definitely wasn’t here.
I jumped to the other side of my strange prison, searching
for a possible way out. All I saw were steep, ridged, hard walls that shone in
the sunlight. There was also nice ledge next to a large clear wall on one side.
There was nothing to hold onto! There was also a chunk of strangely layed wood,
but nothing I could reasonably climb.
I tried to think about what my mother would have done, had
she fallen in here. She wouldn’t possibly try to climb up, it’s too steep even
for her, so I’d think the only way she’d get out were if she flew. Looking
around one more time, I decided to give it a try.
I lifted my folded wings, looking up toward the open sky,
then I jumped. My wings did as they were supposed to, they fluttered just the
same as any time before. My claws were off, my head closer to that clear expanse
of blue. But wait, the wall! I gasp as I hit the clear side of my prison with
the tip of my wing. No, there’s no chance I can fly out. My tiny feathers were
still much too heavy, and my wings too weak, but bulky.
Despair edged its way into my thoughts. I couldn’t ever get
out. I’ve been stuck here long enough already, and my tummy was quite empty.
Soon I’d find myself starving to death! Or maybe one of these odd, big bugs
would decide that I’m already dead enough, and they might take me! Even if I
didn’t die brutally, I’d most certainly die from the pure pain of being
trapped! This wasn’t where I was supposed to be!
I cried out in my pain. My call was nothing more than one
short, high pitched chirp, but maybe, just maybe someone would hear! Perhaps my
mother would hear me and come to save me! She always seemed to help before,
surely now wouldn’t be different.
I chirped again, thinking that maybe she just didn’t know
where I was. There was silence. All I could hear were the leaves rustling from
my old home, and foreign birds calling cheerful greetings to each other, but no
sounds were heard from my mother. I called again and again, hoping that maybe
someone, somewhere would notice, but nothing came to my rescue.
I knew the truth. She wouldn’t come. She probably didn’t
even know I was here. She might’ve thought that I left to find my own way. I
really was alone.
I continued to perch on the wood, and hop along the strange
ledge, trying to find some way to entertain myself until my inevitable death.
Whenever I heard a bird I thought I recognized, I chirped, but to no avail. I
knew my fate. I just had nothing to do about it.
Then, to my surprise, a dark shadow passed over my prison.
It was foreboding. I had no intention of becoming something’s dinner, and that’s
normally all that big creatures wanted. Turning toward the sky, I saw my new
visitor. It was a strange creature, nothing at all like my family, but then
again, nothing at all like those horrible stalking predators I’d seen beneath
the nest. It was un-feathered, but covered in some strange smoothed material.
Well, smoother than fur at least. Its mouth was definitely big enough to
swallow me, but although it was clearly looking to me, it didn’t seem intent on
killing me. It seemed… friendly.
Still, mother would disapprove. So I was wary. Light spread
over me when it left, but I didn’t have time to relax. It returned quickly,
with two other creatures just like it. One of the strange creatures carried
something in its malformed wing. It held a weird black and gray thing. It was
almost like it had an extra eye that it brought. I didn’t like it at all.
Still, I couldn’t resist. It was enchanting and fascinating. We continued to
stare at each other. Strange eye and me.
Suddenly, the wood beneath me began to shake. I glanced
around nervously. My perch moved, slowly at first, but then a little faster
once the wood was free of the leaves. I wanted to call for my mother again, or
at least jump off. But I realized. The creature was helping me! Slowly lifting
me up toward the top of the prison.
Excitement lifted through my chest. The world I knew was
growing gradually closer. I may survive! I might finally achieve freedom! I
could see my mom again! And even if I didn’t see her, I could find food! I
would be ok! I couldn’t wait. I needed complete freedom! I crouched, ready to
try what has failed so much before, then I lifted off! My wings guided me
accurately! I flew to the large white slats, and slid under. I was free!
Totally and completely free! There were no ridged slats, no clear walls, no
strange creatures, and no evil bugs! It was my world!
I will never. Ever. Leave again.
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